Meet the next generation of the NBA legend

NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has become a bit of a hot topic as of late as LA Lakers superstar LeBron James attempts to break his scoring record. In this article, we take a look at the family of the NBA's most potent scoring forces.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar fathered five children with three different women. In his first marriage to Habiba Abdul-Jabbar (formerly Janice Brown), he had three children.

The eldest, Habiba Abdul-Jababr, also referred to as Habiba Alcindor, was born on May 15th, 1972. She took towards the performing arts by becoming a writer and a director and followed in her father's footsteps as a social activist.

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Kareem's second child, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Jr. took a more literal approach to follow in his father's footsteps. Born on August 23rd, 1976, Abdul-Jabbar Jr. became a professional basketball player. However, this did not pan out and he eventually pursued acting on TV.

The third child, Sultana Abdul-Jabbar, was born in April 1979. Not much is known about her personal life.

Kareem had two children from his next two marriages. From his marriage with Cheryl Pistono, he had son Amir and from his marriage with Julie Ods, he had Adam.

Amir is reportedly working as an orthopedic surgeon in Washington. Meanwhile, Adam made an appearance on Full House with Kareem. Unfortunately, Adam was also charged and found guilty of stabbing his neighbor earlier in 2021.

Kareem, currently 75 years old, is on the verge of seeing his long-standing NBA record being broken. As the NBA legend looks at LeBron James in action, Kareem offers his support to the Lakers superstar.

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar held the NBA scoring record for 38 years

NBA legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar broke the NBA's scoring record on April 5th, 1984. He passed Wilt Chamberlain in tremendous fashion and went on to extend the scoring record by putting up some ridiculous numbers.

After a 20-year-long career, Kareem retired in 1989 with 38,387 points in the bag. However, as of Tuesday night, 38 years later, Kareem witnessed the possibility of that long-standing record being broken by LeBron James.

James, who racked up 38 points against the OKC Thunder, passed Kareem’s record in the third quarter of the game. Although several fans had hoped to see him score the record-breaking shot off of a skyhook, James settled for a fade-away from the elbow.

James was seen practicing the skyhook during the pre-game warmups. Using Kareem Abdul-Jabbar’s signature shot would have been a nice way to pay homage to the Lakers legend.

But with Thunder players double-teaming LeBron in almost every position, he had little choice but to settle for shots he was familiar with. Despite his impressive scoring night, James was unable to bring the win to LA.

After a 130-133 loss to the Thunder, the Lakers have fallen to 25-30 on the season. Now two whole games out of the Play-in picture, the Purple and Gold find themselves in a tough spot yet again.

With the trade deadline looming, the Lakers will continue to find themselves in the middle of trade rumors and speculations.

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